
Rockville Evangelical Mission Church



Church's Core Value

1.       以基督为中心的宣讲(Word林前22提后316提后215

Christ-centered Preaching and teaching

基督是神的道 Christ is the Word of God

圣经是神的话 The Bible is the words of God

圣经的中心是基督Christ is the center of the Bible

忠心宣讲全备的道Faithfully preach and teach the whole truth of the Bible

按正意分解真理  Right interpretation of the words

真道是衡量一切神秘经验的标准the words of God is the standard by which all charismatic/spiritual/mysterious experiences are examined and judged

改变生命的宣讲preaching and teaching that transform life

2.       庄严喜乐的敬拜 (Worship)424150;启4-5;赛61-5

Joyful and solemn worship

上帝是中心God is the center of our worship

圣灵充满的敬拜Holy Spirit-filled worship

圣洁的渴慕worship with a holy desire

神的同在,触及心灵的敬拜,be aware of God’s presence and being touched

音乐的重要性 importance of music

主日集体敬拜,小组敬拜,个人敬拜corporate and individual worship

3.       与蒙召的恩相称的生命追求(Worthiness) 41-6;罗12: 1-2;腓21-10;路1427

Live a life worthy of the grace we are called to

基督是生命成长的目标/道路/样式 grow in Christ’s likeness by the power of Holy Spirit

成圣追求,脱旧换新pursue sanctification by taking off the old self and putting on the new,

认识基督,跟从基督,效法基督,爱慕基督,享受基督,活出基督to know Christ, love Christ, follow Christ, imitate Christ, enjoy Christ, and serve Christ

门徒训练  help saints to imitate you as you imitate Christ as a way of doing discipleship

4.       彼此连接的群体生活(Warmth)1334-35;弗219-22林前1212-31

Organic interconnectedness in the body of Christ/community of God’s people

教会是基督的身体/神的家和殿 Church is the body of Christ/the house and temple of God

彼此相连,连于元首基督,mutual connection in Christ and with Christ

彼此相爱是门徒的标记mutual love in Christ is the hallmark of Jesus’ disciple

发现恩赐,发挥功用,建造教会find gifts, develop them, and use them for God’s glory

见证神国度的和平,圣洁,一,和喜乐exemplify God’s kingdom via peace, holiness, unity, and joy of Holy Spirit in the community of God’s people

5.       积极进入世界(World) 2816-20;创121-3;路1910

Impact the world for Christ

大诫命,大使命the great commandments and the great commission

圣徒的宣教意识mission-minded individual members of the body of Christ

本地宣教的多种方式to reach out via creative means at home mission

海外宣讲与造就自己participate overseas mission and equipping saints

积极进入社区,见证基督active engagement in local community for Christ